Rules & company policies is a trusted marketplace for buying and selling second-hand items. To ensure a safe and smooth experience for all users, we have established clear rules and policies. Sellers must provide accurate product descriptions, and buyers are responsible for verifying items before purchase. Fraud, counterfeit goods, and prohibited items are strictly forbidden. Users must respect fair pricing and ethical transactions. reserves the right to remove listings or suspend accounts that violate our guidelines. By using our platform, you agree to comply with these policies for a secure and reliable marketplace. Prohibited and Restricted Items Certain items are strictly prohibited from being sold on as per the laws of Nepal, including counterfeit currency, illegal drugs, firearms, and explosives. Any listing violating these restrictions will be removed, and accounts may be suspended.

Rules and Policies for Buyers By purchasing on, buyers agree to follow fair trade practices and verify product authenticity before payment. Fraudulent transactions, misrepresentation, and price manipulation are strictly prohibited.

Prohibited Medical and Pharmaceutical Items The sale of prescription drugs, unregulated medicines, and banned medical supplies is not allowed on Selling health-related products without proper authorization is against Nepalese law.

Restricted Wildlife and Animal Products Selling endangered animals, wildlife parts (such as ivory and rhino horns), or restricted animal products is illegal in Nepal. Violations of wildlife protection laws may result in legal consequences.

Prohibited Government-Issued Items The sale of Nepali citizenship documents, passports, government-issued licenses, and vehicle registration certificates is strictly forbidden. Unauthorized trade of these items is a punishable offense.

Ethical and Respectful Member Conduct All users must treat each other with respect and honesty. Harassment, abusive language, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. reserves the right to take action against violators.

Listing policies Find out everything you need to know about our rules for creating listings, and get advice on how to make your listings more successful.

Activity on is required to follow this policy, the bechideu User Agreement and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn’t, bechideu may take action consistent with applicable laws and the bechideu User Agreement, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.